Secure Your Spot at the Starting Line for the 2019 Trot for Hunger

SOME—So Others May Eat—is an organization dedicated to making your community a better place. It provides services and resources for families, seniors, and anyone else who needs a helping hand, from housing to food. On Thanksgiving morning, kick off a day of gratitude by giving back to your neighbors via SOME and its annual Trot for Hunger.
When you register, a portion of the fee helps to fund SOME’s many programs. You can also opt to fundraise for an even bigger boost to the organization. Either way, make sure you’re at Freedom Plaza before 9 a.m. on Thanksgiving, November 28th. That’s when the timed 5K kicks off (followed by the untimed race at 9:15 a.m.). You’ll loop around the neighborhood with thousands of other runners, eventually returning back to the plaza for live music, games, and other entertainment.